Saturday, January 23, 2010

random + complaints

it was a tiresome day =(
and now i agree with what my friend had said: life is never easy
yes, definitely true,when you found yourself were almost suffocated because of the hw you couldn't finished in time.
Let me list down all the homework :
1)sejarah (one structure question and 6 essay questions)
2)Biology ( essay of intracellular enzymes and extracellular enzymes which involved all the organelles inside a cell.) idk wtf is this.
3) Moral ( more than 2 essay questions and more than 5 structures question)
4)BM (tatabahasa,and the spelling test correction) and you know what, it was a shame when a form four student only scored 9 out of 20 in a spelling test,you know who the jerk and dumbass is? i'm so proud to tell you that i was the retarded f dumbass.. a result,i have to do correction for each wrong answer, each word ten another word,11 x10 =110 times. WTH.
5) chemistry (workbook,3 pages)

Luckily.there's only five.or else like my other friends, she got 9 or 10 hw.=.= No wonder my senior ever complaint about this, only now i can feel her thoughts. xD to be honest to tell you readers, i thought i'll be in love with the biology subject, but then i was completely wrong. Despite the subject was tough, but i'm really keen and look forward to learn it..but something spoiled my mood. I thought by sitting in the lab and fully concentrated when the teacher is teaching in the class would be okay, but then i found this was rather bored. The Lcd screen and Laptop are provided, i wonder why dont the teacher just displays the cd, which was much more better than giving speech in front of the lab,and waste your chalks to write the names or draw the structures of each organelles plus explain the functions of each organelles.don't u find this very bored? I tried to understand it, but the current condition won't allowed. Okay,once again i am gonna say it here: we ain't genius.stop treating us that way, seriously i dun like that very much. We are just not more than other typical human being, we are same. a pair of eyes located under forehead and above nose.a nose which located above the mouth and under the eyes. and a mouth which was located under the nose and above the chin,and a pair of ears. GET IT? There is a big gap..what we learn before is easy,and now it turns hard. So what we need is time, we need times to get used and adapted with the subjects.ArgHHHHHHHHHH.....~~so could u pls stop this?

** when i thought i understood you, I'm actually nothing to you. When you said that you believed me, you were actually lying,don't you?** EMO-ing.

couldn't stop myself thinking this way. I need someone for me to lean against. Someone who can share all the things with me. A true love, perhaps? haha..



Dmj said...


YunQian0314 said...

haha..u lea? ryan fong xD

Dmj said...

oi!i din put sbf real name bo!aiyo,later i no face ler