Monday, June 7, 2010


hi there!~i've been so active lately~haha =D anyway,i'm here to share some of my thought about some particular things. first of all, don't you think it's kinda stupid and nonsense and to held a stupid competition in FB? what a shame, and i refused to participate. Prettiness can't be judged by outer appearance! what more important is inner character =.= so please stop asking me to join the stupid event =.= what worst is, you might ruin our school's reputation, though i don't care at all, but being a part of the school, i feel like i just wanna ralph on you!

secondly, i'm going to hang out this WED! which makes me wanna shake my butt LOL =D and i'm in love so much with GLEE~ lol, though some of the scenes might be a little bit inappropriate to us, but hey it really makes me want to watch it over and over again =D and i've changed my blog skin =D and i like it =DDD

ok will stop here,got nothing to share with already. BYE ^^

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