Thursday, December 31, 2009


I had worked for whole day today.
today was the day for the newbies to do registration.
And me as one of the member of koperasi, had no choice but to help them out.
I worked from 7.30am until 4.30pm.
Those parents kept asking where to buy this and that. We kept answering them the answer again and again x) But what to do, we can't just ignored them and do our own works.
then i was the last one who went back home with one of my friend. Just after i stepped into my house. I received a call from my senior. She asked me to do her a favor. I nodded.
She left her bag,fail and something in The bilik kejuruteraan. But she wasn't available at that time,and the door is locked. There's no other options,so i helped her out. and everything's solved. =)) good then.
My friends decided to spent the last day of 2009 with Teachers. Perhaps they were enjoying their time right now. Unlike me, stayed at home and like a lifeless being. Nothing to do,i'm bored. No one's going to countdown with me, what a pity. ='( i guess everyone is busying to throw out parties~ =(( sigh....


*my dad is coming home today,teehee~ =D

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

blinded by love + Before the year ends

there's no a exact purpose for me to blog here.
some people are blinded by love.
they cant judge which are correct, which are wrong.
for me, i never have the experience to fall in love with someone. *but i had experiences in which i had a crush on someone.
i don't know whether i will be blinded by love.i really don't know.
but i think no one can resist the power of love, isn't it?
but i will make an attempt to come across this..
one day's left, and i'm gonna say goodbye to 2009. 2009, i went through all the sweet/bitter moments with my precious friends. thank you for staying by my side when i need you guys the most. thanks for lending me a shoulder to cry on when i was down. Thanks for lending me a pair of sympathize ears when i was feeling sad. there are thousand of words i want to tell them, but there's only one word i always want to tell them, 'thank you.'
Money / friends, which is more important. For me, money is just material wealth, FRIENDS are what we truly need. New year, new beginning. Let's start our new year with postive thinking. Brighten your days with your smiles. Do not mix with the wrong company, you might turn out to be the biggest liability of the society. stay tuned, and cheer up~

-what lies underneath the face,is a terrible soul-

i had a terrible day. i'm over the fire now. the anger in my heart overwhelmed me completely. why there's nobody for us when we need some helps? nobody wants to lend us a hand. this is cruel, brutally cruel. when we did all the things, nobody seemed to appreciate it. Do human always like this, i guess yes.they will never know how to cherish and appreciate until they really lost it.there's no use for blaming yourself constantly,everything's too late. well, HUMAN. Isn't this funny? We thought we know them completely, but actually,we are nothing to them. What lies underneath the beautiful face, is a terrible soul. And now, there's one thing i'm really angry about. i'm seriously want to stress on this.
we did all the jobs, we gave all what we can give, you all just enjoyed it. when we asked you to give us a help, everyone is gone. I don't know whether these bastards were trying to avoid us,but you know what,these bastards are not just only bastards, they are jerks. Piece of rubbish~ Don't blame me for using those words, you forced me to this,you are the one who bring me to this. I don't care if what i expressed here had completely my image, i just feel that if i don't expressed it here, it will be too unfair to me and my friends. Our intentions were originally good, but things change when those bastards made their decision. we didn't mean to force you, but do you know how does it feel when we were desire for helps? desperate for helps,okay!as the desire grew, there's no more patient. Jerks~!

-i felt completely relieved now~ whoah~

Monday, December 28, 2009

just another day.

my family celebrated my grandpa's birthday last night
we had fun last night
mum prepared all kind of dishes, and it's appetizing
going out with friends tomorrow, out for a movie. *anticipating*
still few days left and goodbye to 2009.
2010, toughest year i'm gonna went through.
gotta be physically & mentally prepared.
gotta be in the same class with the person i don't like. ='(
are we going to separate with each other?? don't know.
like kelly Clarkson new hits -already gone

'i want you to know, it doesnt matter, where we take this road,someone's gotta go'

someone's gotta go. Maybe someone who i loved so much is going to transfer to another school. Nothing can be done to avail it. =(( but hopefully she would change her mind,for my sake. we've been friends for so many's going to break my heart if she made the cruel decision. am i going to be alone here?

stared out of the window
trying to reach out
trying to speak it out
but feel like no one's hearing it
=(( this is sad.

am hesitating how should i spend my time tomorrow. it's like a celebration of the end of 2009, so i'm gonna make it as interesting & fun as possible. hopefully it's a unforgettable day.

*off now, bye dude.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

it's 7.57pm now. staring at the monitor,my mind was blank.i could think of nothing right now.nothing at all.
i am the type of person who would admired someone me petty-minded/narrow-minded or whatever.i don't really care. This is Me,i am who i am.
but sometimes, i have to act like i don't care. But actually i care a lot. what can i do? i can only just put on a smile and pretend nothing happen.i don't want to hurt them, they are precious and irreplaceable. I want to cherish them. But sometime, i can't. Things just don't work the way we want, this is it.
for me, it's a numerous challenge i ever had. i'm really afraid that i can't sustain all of these.It's painful to deal all these alone by yourself.No one can help you. you're alone there, no one is by your side. you fight and you hurt,and you heal your wounded soul by yourself. it hurts.really hurts.
i was wondering what can i do to lighten their burden. but actually i could help nothing. in fact, i'm burden for them. Seeing others can get what they want easily, somehow i felt that He's playing a joke with me. 'we reap what we sow', i believe in this for every moment in my life. But sometime,it don't really work on somebody. Some people are just so lucky. they were born with a silver spoon in their mouth. They're just so lucky. Life is really unfair, don't you think so?
i hate it when those bastards come from wealthy families tried to show off. I don't really care actually, i just don't like the way they behave. So what? the money is not YOURS! so try not to do this stupid stuff.okay? If you're at the edge of death, you'll find all you need is not Money. Money can't buy neither love nor friendship. They are priceless, invaluable and irreplaceable. I once think that Money come first in my mind,followed by family and friends.but i was totally wrong.Nothing is more important than family & friends. they are my priority. some people see money as their treasure, but when your days are numbered, you can't bring your money down to hell or up to heaven. you can't.
there's no a specific reason for me to write something like this. I just expressed the feelings in my heart. I'm so relieved right now. =)
so, if you have friends or lovers whose intentions were not good, hey, listen to my advice. Just dump those bastards.they're not worthy.Or u can slap those bastards, they deserve it. Show your kindness by giving them a free lesson, they will appreciate. don't cry for them,or else you're just wasting your tears. Find someone who is more appreciative.

You'll find it someday,you will,for sure.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

to all the fellow readers and my precious friends : -

have a blessed Christmas. ^^

just Back from Parkson, and i bought a reference Book.It cost me about Rm 32..i was like what the heck, so expensive (though my mom was the one who paid for it ) mom asked me to buy Biology,Add Maths,Chemistry,Physics,but i only choose to buy biology first.if i bought it all together, it will cost about Rm 120..@.@ So i refused to entertain my mom's request. haha,i am lazy for the moment right now. ^3^

2010 is going to be a tough year for me. =(( *heavy sigh..
anyway, am going out with my friends next wednesday. There's a special occasion ^^.Haha.

gtg now, bye2, Merry Christmas~

Thursday, December 24, 2009

my goal is achieved

i get my result.
and i realized that my hard work really pays off.
i am so relieved right now.
thx for my family for being supportive.
Thx for my friends for always by my side.
Thank You.

I'm satisfied and happy for the result. But it doesn't mean that i will have a smooth journey for always. Effort is needed. jia you =))

congratz to everybody. have a nice day.

*mom said she's going to bring me to celebrate tomorrow =)) thanks mum, i appreciate it.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


whenever i need someone to help me
nobody's there..

whenever i need someone to comfort me
i saw nobody.

why is everybody treating me like this?
you are cold, cruel and hard.

nobody understands me.


Tuesday, December 22, 2009

doomsday ;(

two days left.
and everything is going to revealed.
what am i going to do?
don't know.
i'm questioning myself.
but i don't know the answer. funny, huh? =.= Lame

the school is going to reopen soon.
which means i will have to spare my time wisely.
i guess there are tons of activities we have to take part. well, this is suck. =.=
what can i do, i got my fingers in all pies. Shit.
i'm going to bang my head against the wall, this is the best solution so far. ;)

but if something is destined to be happened,nothing can stop it.
yea, nothing can stop it =((

=(( i'm going to help my mum right now, she's shouting for me in the kitchen.something bad is gonna happen if i choose to ignore her. k, goodbye to all my fellow reader. wish you all are in the pink of health.=)

Monday, December 21, 2009

love rain (sarangbi) by kim tae woo

Romaji Lyrics
: -
sa rang haess eot deon eo tteon i ga tteo na gan jeog it get jyo
mo deun ge nae tas i ran saeng gag i deun jeog it get jyo
na geu rae seo jap ji mot haet jyo o
i reon a peum jjeum eun mo du ij eur su iss eul geo ra
da reun sa rang i chaj a or geo ra saeng gak haess eot jyo
wae geu reon de it jir mot ha jyo o
geu jeo ha neur ba ra bo myeo oe chi jyo da si han beon na reur sa rang hae jwo
nae mam sog jag eun ba raem i bi ga doe eo nae ryeo o myeon
nae sa rang i meo ri e nae ri myeon chu eog i doe sar a na go
ga seum e nae ri myeon so jung haet deon sa rang i tteo o reu go
nae sa rang i ip sur e dah eu myeon neor sa rang hae ne ge oe chi myeo
bi ga nae ri neun geu gir eur tta ra geot da ga geot da ga geot da bo myeon
ba ra deon ne ga nar gi da ryeo
mid eum i ra neun yeol soe ro sa rang ui sang jar yeor eo
sa rang i ran gi do ro jeon ha neun jeon hwa reur geor eo
nae mam i neor jap ji mot hae do
geu jeo ha neur ba ra bo myeo oe chi jyo da si han beon na reur sa rang hae jwo
nae mam sog jag eun ba raem i bi ga doe eo nae ryeo o myeon
nae sa rang i meo ri e nae ri myeon chu eog i doe sar a na go
ga seum e nae ri myeon so jung haet deon sa rang i tteo o reu go
nae sa rang i ip sur e dah eu myeon neor sa rang hae ne ge oe chi myeo
bi ga nae ri neun geu gir eur tta ra geot da ga geot da ga geot da bo myeon
ba ra deon ne ga nar gi da ryeo
dor a ga geu ttae ro
nae salm ui dan han beon gi do haet deon dae ro
i reoh ge oe chi myeo
sa rang bi ga nae ryeo wa
neo ui sa rang i na ui nun e nae ri myeon nun e nae ri myeon
nae ap e ni ga seo it go
nae gwi e nae ri myeon ni ga da si sa rang eur sok sag i go
neor sa rang hae nae pum e an eu myeon tto da si haeng bok hae ji myeo
hae ga bi chu neun geu gir eur tta ra gat i tto geot da ga geot da bo myeon
ba ra deon kkum i seo iss eo

English translation : -

Once someone I loved left me and I thought it was all because of me, so I couldn't hold onto her.

I thought that I could forget this pain, that another love will come to me.. but why can't I forget?

All I can do is to look up at the sky and shout once again "love me", when this little hope in my heart becomes rain and falls.

When my love rains on my head the memories come alive again. When it rains on my heart I think of the precious love. When my love touches my lips, I love you shouting to me. Following the road where the rain comes, you'll see me waiting for you if you keep on walking, walking and walking.

Open the box called love with they key of faith, call with the phone transmitting a prayer called love, even if my heart can't find you.

All I can do is to look up at the sky and shout once again "love me", when this little hope in my heart becomes rain and falls.

When my love rains on my head the memories come alive again. When it rains on my heart I think of the precious love. When my love touches my lips, I love you shouting to me. Following the road where the rain comes, you'll see me waiting for you if you keep on walking, walking and walking.

Return again to that time.. to my life like that one time when you prayed. When I shout like this..... the love rain falls......

When your love rains in front of my eyes you stand in front of me. When it rains on my ears, you whisper love into my ears again. I love you when I hug you, when I become happy again. Following the road where the sun shines on, we will see us if we keep on walking, walking and walking.

Yeah ~ Once again praying for you to come back to me...

:+: i was amazed by his singing skills, he is really talented =)) , keep it up,kim tae woo! :+:

Saturday, December 19, 2009


unpredictable weather.
just now the sun was shining brightly on the deep blue and azure sky.
but now all the dark cloud covered the sky
seems like it is going to rain soon.

it's so cold right now.haha still love the weather though
it can calm my mind down

as we knew,
the school is not reopen yet
but tons of works are already given by the teachers to us

we are just a normal human being like others do.
we are not your machines or your servants.
yes, as a student, it was our obligation to do all the works given by them.
but do you know that, we need to rest?
we need times to take a break.

i wonder why it always us? why? why not others?
don't you think that this is seriously unfair?
don't get me wrong, everybody. i just expressed what i can't expressed.
this is my personal page. so i think i got my freedom to express what i want.
at school, or even at home i can't really show my true side to my friends or family.
i just hide my feelings inside me.

sometime, we do the works, but others get the pays. funny and unbelievable right?

well, let it be.. I dont wanna get myself stuck in this stupid and asshole thing.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

stunning news

like usual, i turned on my comp and surfed the internet.

i logged in my Facebook account and read a stunning news.

i don't know where they get the news from, and i'm not sure whether it was true or not. But i choose to believe it. =x

they said, Pmr result is coming out on 24th of Dec, which means, next Thursday.

which means i still have one week to Go. and which also means that i only got a little of time to get mentally and physically prepared.

the end of the speech, this is driving me insane.

some said that the result is coming before Christmas. Yes, i accept this. If we think about it logically, this fact can be accepted. we started out exam earlier than the previous year there's a possibility that the result is coming out earlier.

i wanted to say that, i've done my best, i've put my efforts, and i really really wish that what come out is something Good.

for all my friends..
wish you...
All The best.


Wednesday, December 16, 2009

-random stuff-

well, webcaming with buddy just now.. see the picture up there..her pretty face =D
but there is something wrong with her Webcam,so the image is kinda blur. xD

OK,story begins.

there's a story between mermaid and prince.
there's a story between a girl and a boy.

She lost him once.
The one who used to love her so much.
She blamed herself for being so stupid.
She learned to Cherish him, but it was too late.
though it was never too late to apologize. But words leaved scars.
The mistakes she has done, can't be erased anymore.
The choice she has made, can't be changed anymore.
The words she has said, can't be taken back anymore.
she was too scared of losing him, once again.
Thus, she choose to Apologize, but not declared her love.
there's something she always wanted him to know........





Tuesday, December 15, 2009


do you believe there is an immortal being in our world?
well, i don't.
then, do you believe 'forever'
seriously, i don't.
Nothing can Last forever.
i discovered a nice was an old song though
i was touched by the was just like a mirror,it reflects what's on my i'm gonna paste the lyric here.hope u enjoy this.

永遠永遠 by 李翊君



別對我說永遠 永遠 永遠 
別對我說永遠 永遠 永遠 

-negative thinking-

i hate myself for being so naive

i hate myself

i can't stop thinking negatively

i just can't

when i tried to approach for you guys

somehow i smelled the rat

something went wrong here

it seemed like you guys were trying to avoid me

=( why everything have to turn upside down like this.

i hate changes.i hate everything.

Monday, December 14, 2009


Boreeeeeeeeeeeeeeedddddddddddddddddd!! =(

i have nothing to do right now!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

updates :D

i watched a movie just now.
it's called 'The Prince and Me'
it's an old movie,but it had a nice storyline
strongly recommend to all of you, 5 stars rated! thumbs up! LOL
it's like a fairy tale, an ordinary girl get to know a Prince from Denmark,and they fall in love.
i really envy the girl.
but somehow this is kind of impossible in reality.anyhow, enjoy this.


worried about everything...
my heart beat started to increase
every time i think of it
i convinced myself
not to get myself stuck in these
but i can't
i can't get rid of these
it occupied my mind, my breathe,my sight and everything
why does this always happened on me?
i am sick of these!

i have no one to share my feelings with
i am afraid..
i am afraid to bother everybody
i am afraid they will think i am such a nuisance
i am afraid they will think me as a big menace
i am afraid of everything
i consider everything,but it doesn't work at all.not at all
tensions,stresses and everything, i have to say that i really hate this.

if only i am given chance
i would choose to live as a bird, but not a human.

i am really tired.

Saturday, December 12, 2009



★马来文名★Kiu Yun Qian
★花名★Ah Nong (my mom called me this),1000,蚯蚓 ==
★生日★3月14日 =)
★星座★双鱼座 pisces
★体高★160 cm
★体重★ 50 kg something (didnt measure for a long time ady)
★嗜好★online,games,listening to my fav music,chat with friends,Novels and Dramas,Movie!
★兴趣★do some research on Kpop artists
★怪癖★erm,like to fart? lol
★性格★sensitive,emotional,laugh a lots,influenced by others easily
★职业★a part time student =)
★愿望★erm, travel all over the world, but it seemed kinda impossible
★地址★== i choose not to answer, i live on earth! LOL
★颜色★white,black, silver, sky blue
★卡通★Alvin and the Chipmunks, The princess and the frog~and lots
★音乐★ R&B,Jazz,Pop,Rock and lots
★食物★Salad!and my fav Nacho,yummy~thumbs up!! LOL
★饮料★ Soda,Pepsi,Iced Lemon Tea
★衣服★ i prefer T-shirt!
★裤子★ jeans, and sports pants
★裙子★i don't wear skirts!xD
★穿着★ erm,as long as it is comfortable, anything will do,but not naked! LOL
★造型★ don't really care about this
★国家★ England,America,Korea,Taiwan, Africa and Japan
★艺人★ Super Junior, f(x),Adam Lambert,David Archuleta,Taylor Swift,Phil Collins,Boys like girls,Dessert Rose band
★物品★ erm,phone's accessories and lots
★季节★i like all execpt summer
★动物★ doggy~
★发型★ there is nothing special about my hairstyle.
★节目★ Britain's Got Talent!! 
★电影★Ninja Assasin,storm warriors, New Moon, any of the Disney's Movies & couples retreat &the proposal, there's a lot but i can't mentioned of it.LOL
★科目★ Science, Math and Geo
★运动★ pardon, i don't join sports, whatever =P
★朋友★A lots,they are my treasures!
★模特儿★ dont know
★造型师★ dont know
★座右铭★ where there's a will, there's a way
★华语歌★ lots
★英文歌★ you'll be in my heart, can you feel the love tonight,nothing's gonna change my love for you,one step forward, silent night, joy to the world,complicated,come back to me, and a lots!
★马来歌★ there are some,but don't know the title of the songs
★广东歌★ /
★福建歌★ /
★电视剧★next stop,happines. wind & cloud 2
★遗憾之事★ there were something i want to tell somebody,but i didn't,and i do regret it now!
★若时光能倒流?★erm,i want to change my past LOL
★若选择一个人永远爱你?★wow,is this possible??nothing can last FOREVER
★若自己是亿万富翁★LOL, i will be over the moon,and i'll spent the money to buy the stuffs i want! LOL
★若有一天醒来,发现自己的样子变成金城武/蔡依林,你会?★ 跟自己说:what the heck, am i dreaming?
★若有三个愿望★ 1,i want to build a happy family with someone i really really love 2,hope i can past my every exam with flying colours 3, i want to have lots of MONEY
★面包/爱情★ 面包
★雨天/晴天★ rainy days
★爱情/自由★ 自由
★黑/白★ 白
★海边/山上★ 海邊
★唱歌/跳舞★ erm,dont like both
★美貌/性格★ somehow i think attitude is more important
★平淡/轰烈的日子★ 平淡
★相信/提防★ prevent is better than cure
★头脑好/性格好★can i have both?
★干皮肤/油皮肤★ can i drop both?
★金钱/快乐★ 快乐
★目前快乐吗★ still ok
★朋友对你好吗★ good =))
★你受朋友欢迎吗★ hehe
★好朋友是★ someone who can share our secrets with, someone who can lighten our burden..someone we really love!
★单身/恋爱★ 单身
★相信一辈子吗★ erm, no
★喜欢自己吗★ yea,i like myself
★相信自己吗★ 相信
★悲观/乐观★ 乐观! XD
★若说最后一句话就哑口,你会★ 用写的 LOL
★若明天世界末日,你会★ 跟家人和朋友说最后的遗言 GOOdbye everyone, ILY!
★若你爱的人明天离开你,你会★ let it be,but i think i'll need an explanation
★最喜欢的一句话★ KNS, LOL
★时尚吗★ dont think so
★哪风格★ dont know eh
★优点★ erm,a caring person,perhaps...??
★缺点★ lazy,stubborn,awkward,not being good at sociable
★SPM有信心吗★dont know eh,future can't be predicted,but just do my best
★认为自己可以拿几科A★ DONT KNOW,you're making me nervous!!!
★崇拜的艺人★there are a lots
★搞笑的艺人★ hei ren, Super Junior's Shindong, Leeteuk,Eunhyuk
★讨厌的艺人★ Don't have any
★欣赏的艺人★ 2pm,f(x) ,2ne1,G-Dragon and Big Bang
★甜美的艺人★ erm, SNSD?
★可爱的艺人★ Mei Mei
★古典美艺人★ ME LO! xD
★气质型艺人★ Hey! girl's xiao xun, Ady An
★实力派艺人★ Ady An,
★帅哥型艺人★ SHIA Labeouf!!Rain and lots
★新加坡的七公主里你喜欢★ who the heck is this?
★最登对艺人★ vanness Wu and Ady An,
★有想过当艺人吗★ never~

→ Kelly
→ Niem yee
→Nicholas Chong xD
→Kelvin Wong xp

Thursday, December 10, 2009


there was a boy who loved a girl very much, he loved her with his heart.
but the boy never able to express and declare his love to the girl.
He was afraid of losing the girl as a friend.
One day, the girl went abroad to study.
a few years has passed.
they ran into each other in a restaurant.
they greeted each other..
the boy put on a bright smile on his face and asked the girl : are u married?
the girl said : No, the guy i wanted to marry never proposed me.
the boy said : who is that?
the girl answered : that guy is you.

a heart-warming story. short but yet touching.
i like this ever since i read it.
Lol, if i was the guy i would straight away proposed the girl..
to everyone no matter who you are,

be brave and courage enough to chase after your dreams and Love
Love only come once in a lifetime
once you lose it
you will regret for your entire life
you will lose the chance if you don't learn to appreciate it



so yesterday i went to Parkson
with my lovely Friends
and here they are --- Sharon, Su Fang and Yumiko
ROFL i MISS them very much!
i waited for them in popular, but they haven't came
actually fang n Yumiko arrived already but they didnt came to popular
so i accidentally run into them, and thus we met each other haha..
then they brought me to shy hui's stall
she hugged me and gave me a big embrace, well, i appreciated it =)) she is still my friend after all
then we talked a lot and laughed a lot
then our VIP miss Sharon has finally arrived
then again,fang and yumiko said that they were deadly hungry
so we went to McDonald to solve our lunch
McDonald didnt offered Coke today, nah...=((
so we drink Milo instead of Cola :'(
then we talked that we talked this, and then we went to cinema..Cinema was crowded with people and our plan to watch NINJA ASSASIN has we have to abort the plan, =((
then there was a sudden black out in Parkson what a menace

too bad i can't stayed with them until we finished our da tou tie..TOO BAD
my mum was rushing me, wth =.= then i went back
there are lots of picture i want to upload, but i will upload it as soon as possible after i edit it.

Last but not least,

A friend in need is a Friend indeed

[They might not as perfect as we can think of]
[They are the best i ever had..]

Monday, December 7, 2009

back again =))

hey dude, its me
so i'm back again
i felt so fresh whenever i first touched the keyboard
haha, so..erm just a few days ago, i am addicted to a series of Anime
so i just kept watching it
and thus i wasn't available to surf the net
forgive me guys =)
well, do you believe that i watched Digimon??
yes, i do .
i can watch it over and over again without getting bored..
i mean, i started to watch Digimon, when i was 7 or 8
i found it was really entertaining, it colours my life =)) well, thats when i found myself was seriously addicted to the anime world
some of my friends don't understand why, a person like me would spent most of my time to sit in front of the TV and watch the cartoon,as they find it quite lame
well, all i have to say is, that's me, when i feel depressed or getting upset about something, well, i just watched anime, and my anger somehow decreased gradually
I hate it when a series of an anime come to an End, i mean sometime my emotion was kind of influenced by it..Hmm, anyway, i loved them, they are my life, my everything

i considered everything.
but it doesn't work.
well, there is something really bother me right now.
but sorry, due to my own privacy right, i guess i don't need to tell u guys whats the matter

seriously, i had a nightmare just a few days ago.
i dreamed about something violence , vile and repulsive =((
when the world is destined to come to an End
what would i do??
=(( well, kindly hope that everything is just my stupid and untrustable imagination
i mean


Thursday, December 3, 2009

craziness =p

i was crazy about something lately
i finally realized how did it felt like
when u were crazy about something
recently, i've been crazy about kpop
i mean, those celebrities are really highly-talented and they have a really good looking face
well i'm stuck with these stuff
and couldnt get myself from all of these =p

i think that's all what i want to share
gtg =p