Saturday, December 26, 2009

it's 7.57pm now. staring at the monitor,my mind was blank.i could think of nothing right now.nothing at all.
i am the type of person who would admired someone me petty-minded/narrow-minded or whatever.i don't really care. This is Me,i am who i am.
but sometimes, i have to act like i don't care. But actually i care a lot. what can i do? i can only just put on a smile and pretend nothing happen.i don't want to hurt them, they are precious and irreplaceable. I want to cherish them. But sometime, i can't. Things just don't work the way we want, this is it.
for me, it's a numerous challenge i ever had. i'm really afraid that i can't sustain all of these.It's painful to deal all these alone by yourself.No one can help you. you're alone there, no one is by your side. you fight and you hurt,and you heal your wounded soul by yourself. it hurts.really hurts.
i was wondering what can i do to lighten their burden. but actually i could help nothing. in fact, i'm burden for them. Seeing others can get what they want easily, somehow i felt that He's playing a joke with me. 'we reap what we sow', i believe in this for every moment in my life. But sometime,it don't really work on somebody. Some people are just so lucky. they were born with a silver spoon in their mouth. They're just so lucky. Life is really unfair, don't you think so?
i hate it when those bastards come from wealthy families tried to show off. I don't really care actually, i just don't like the way they behave. So what? the money is not YOURS! so try not to do this stupid stuff.okay? If you're at the edge of death, you'll find all you need is not Money. Money can't buy neither love nor friendship. They are priceless, invaluable and irreplaceable. I once think that Money come first in my mind,followed by family and friends.but i was totally wrong.Nothing is more important than family & friends. they are my priority. some people see money as their treasure, but when your days are numbered, you can't bring your money down to hell or up to heaven. you can't.
there's no a specific reason for me to write something like this. I just expressed the feelings in my heart. I'm so relieved right now. =)
so, if you have friends or lovers whose intentions were not good, hey, listen to my advice. Just dump those bastards.they're not worthy.Or u can slap those bastards, they deserve it. Show your kindness by giving them a free lesson, they will appreciate. don't cry for them,or else you're just wasting your tears. Find someone who is more appreciative.

You'll find it someday,you will,for sure.

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