Tuesday, December 22, 2009

doomsday ;(

two days left.
and everything is going to revealed.
what am i going to do?
don't know.
i'm questioning myself.
but i don't know the answer. funny, huh? =.= Lame

the school is going to reopen soon.
which means i will have to spare my time wisely.
i guess there are tons of activities we have to take part. well, this is suck. =.=
what can i do, i got my fingers in all pies. Shit.
i'm going to bang my head against the wall, this is the best solution so far. ;)

but if something is destined to be happened,nothing can stop it.
yea, nothing can stop it =((

=(( i'm going to help my mum right now, she's shouting for me in the kitchen.something bad is gonna happen if i choose to ignore her. k, goodbye to all my fellow reader. wish you all are in the pink of health.=)

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