Thursday, December 31, 2009


I had worked for whole day today.
today was the day for the newbies to do registration.
And me as one of the member of koperasi, had no choice but to help them out.
I worked from 7.30am until 4.30pm.
Those parents kept asking where to buy this and that. We kept answering them the answer again and again x) But what to do, we can't just ignored them and do our own works.
then i was the last one who went back home with one of my friend. Just after i stepped into my house. I received a call from my senior. She asked me to do her a favor. I nodded.
She left her bag,fail and something in The bilik kejuruteraan. But she wasn't available at that time,and the door is locked. There's no other options,so i helped her out. and everything's solved. =)) good then.
My friends decided to spent the last day of 2009 with Teachers. Perhaps they were enjoying their time right now. Unlike me, stayed at home and like a lifeless being. Nothing to do,i'm bored. No one's going to countdown with me, what a pity. ='( i guess everyone is busying to throw out parties~ =(( sigh....


*my dad is coming home today,teehee~ =D

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