Monday, July 26, 2010

it's the best day ever

"it's the best day ever~"
i just wanna sing the song right now xD
i had fun today. went to college to take scholarship~ it was fun though, but it is more fun when we're on the way coming back. Haha. because we were very frustrated as we thought we're late. but luckily, the event haven't start yet. =D yeah~
and i encountered with other friends whom i hadn't meet them for couple of years. well, perhaps 4 years? we didn't talked much though, because i didn't greet them. well, i have to be honest, i'm the kind of person who isn't good at sociable. that's why, there were people who misunderstood that i'm such an arrogant person. well, i dun noe why, perhaps it's hard for me open my mouth first. but i felt so sorry for some other friends whom i have seen but didn't greet them. SORRY xD
but still, there is a particular person whose name could not be revealed i dun want greet. well, because he hurt me once. dun misunderstood, i dun have any close relationship with that person. but still, he hurt me with his words. but it's ok now, he's studying in other school, PRIVATE SCHOOL. well, he's rich. he could afford the school fees and transportation and etc etc...
wait..why would i waste my time in front of the pc to talk about him?

about the school. i have no idea where it was located until the kind bus driver drove us there. but now, if u ask me again where the school is, sorry, i forgot. LOL. coz i've never been that area b4 =D but the school was clean and big. and the facilities were good, and it was better than my school one =DDD haha.

after the event, we had feast at the school canteen. =DDD
and i met daphne's him. but i dun dare to have a close look at him, because he will think i was a, plus daph will angry =DD i should've ask daph come for me hahahahhaha...=DDD

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