Friday, July 16, 2010

one day you will..

i know how you feel.
when you work harder than others
but what you get back is less than others.
well, i used to be one of the people who think this way.
no matter how hard i try.
things just don't turn out the way i want.
"ah..let it be." i said that to myself. ready to accept the fact that i was born to be a loser.
but someone told me that : each one of us is a winner ever since we were born to this world.
i lifted my eyebrow. not knowing what's the meaning behind the sentence.
"i'm sure everyone knows how a zygote is formed right?" she asked.
some nodded, but some just shook their head, they don't know what is zygote.
she continued, "well, you know why? when a sperm fuse with the ovum at the fallopian tube, a zygote is formed. and from the thousand of sperm, only one sperm can fuse with the ovum. and that's how you come from, from the sperm which successfully fused with the ovum. so, no one of us is born to be a loser." she said.
and i remembered what she said, until now. it's been a year already.
so what if others look down at you? prove it they are wrong.
it's never too late to give it a try. well, you know what, i used to be teased by some silly brats when i was in kindergarten. i still remember the two brats until know. but their name will never be revealed due to privacy. LOL. they teased me because my handwriting was ugly.and plus my writing speed was slow like a crawling snail. well, i never know why i care so much about them at that time, well, kids' stuffs.LOL. some asked me why are you doing so good etc etc. but there's a secret they never know. they never knew i used to be the last in kindergarten. the exam doesn't was just something i wan to avoid when i was small. i work hard because i don't wanna get teased by others. if u see it from others perspective..sometimes, all those negative opinions or comments can make us grow stronger. just don't avoid it,because it makes u even weaker. =D

here's a song dedicated for you. also sang by my fav band -- Lady Antebellum.
their songs have motivation. =) so that's why they are on the top of my fav idol list =D
the song is called one day you will. hope you enjoy it. never lost your hope is the key to success. and also don't build castle in the air, actions must be taken. =D

one day you will-Lady Antebellum

You feel like you're falling backwards
Like you're slippin' through the cracks
Like no one would even notice
If you left this town and never came back
You walk outside and all you see is rain
You look inside and all you feel is pain
And you can't see it now

But down the road the sun is shining
In every cloud there's a silver lining
Just keep holding on (just keep holding on)
And every heartache makes you stronger
But it won't be much longer
You'll find love, you'll find peace
And the you you're meant to be
I know right now that's not the way you feel
But one day you will

You wake up every morning and ask yourself
What am I doing here anyway
With the weight of all those disappointments
Whispering in your ear
You're just barely hanging by a thread
You wanna scream but you're down to your last breath
And you don't know it yet

[Repeat Chorus]

Find the strength to rise above
You will
Find just what you're made of, you're made of

[Repeat Chorus]

One day you will
Oh one day you will

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