Monday, July 5, 2010

[you & me]

personally, i didn't take it seriously for who i am recently.
the day just passed like it always did.
and without me knowing it, 6 months just gone away like that.
it was really fast then.
perhaps i was contented with myself lately so i never realise it.
until i asked my friend, " what day is it today?"
"5/07, and it's monday." she snapped.
i was like "oh! so it's July already."it was like someone slap me heavily in the face.
being a 16-year-old girl. i lead my life as what the other girls did.
so i think it was something usual that i can lead my life like this, without any changes.
i seriously really think of something like that. LOL
i am just a girl next door. but don't really talk too much in front of the strangers. it's kinda awkward, don't you think so.
i am the kind of person who would break her nose even when she falls backward, in another word, unlucky.
but i was lucky to have a group of friends who would always cheers for me. =D it was something i should really proud of, isn't it? though conflicts just keep on happen, but the it was something we should really need to go through.

but compare to others, i am just a tiny person who is easily over-looked, like the LUCY BECK in the novel.not only appearance, but other aspects as well. but, are the person who would attract people when you do something silly. the person who would even make people anxious when you got a small cut on your finger.

=(( the post will end here. off to do my homework.bye peeps

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