Sunday, May 15, 2011

once bitten twice shy.

ONCE BITTEN TWICE SHY. what an awesome said.
you said you'll be more careful next time. but you didn't prove it to me.
well, maybe you say it for fun, and i don't know whether you meant every words that come out from your mouth.
i'm quite disappointed at you actually. urgh. not gonna talk much about this. what i want to say is that i really dislike your behaviour. dun make yourself such a......not gonna say that word. haiz.

Thursday, May 12, 2011


SHINee 本命 : onew

BEAST 本命 : gikwang

2AM 本命 : seulong

2PM 本命 : chansung

ZE:A 本命 : junyoung

SuJu 本命 : Kyuhyun

FTIsland 本命 :Choi Jong Hun

SS501 本命 : -

MBLAQ 本命 : Thunder

4Minute 本命 : JiHyun

SnSd 本命 : Seohyun

TvXq 本命 : U-know

UKiss 本命 : Kevin Woo!

JYJ 本命 : -

BigBang 本命 : TaeYang

CNBLUE 本命 : JungShin xD

2NE1 本命 : CL

TeenTop 本命 : -

miss A 本命 : Fei

sistar 本命: Bora

BEG 本命 : Gain

AfterSchool 本命 :-

f(x) 本命 : Victoria!

Secret 本命 : HyoSung

KARA 本命 : -

T-ara 本命 : JiYeon

WG 本命 : -

F.CUZ 本命 : -

B1A4 本命: -

A Pink 本命: -

Infinite 本命: SungGyu

Block B 本命: -

Girl's Day 本命:-

大国男儿 本命: -

Monday, May 2, 2011

i used to....

I used to think that,

guys who wore cool clothes were attractive.

I used to think that,

girls who put heavy make up on were pretty.

I used to think that,

people would agree with you if you talk louder.

I used to think that,

guys who talked sweet stuff were cool.

but that was years ago.

Now, i think guys who don't talk much are cool.

Now, i think guys who prove themselves by the means of action are perfectly cool.

Now, i know girls are pretty when they don't fake a smile.

Now, i know people would only listen to you when you are RIGHT.

I despised the word "used to", but now i kinda like it. EVERYBODY has a past. It may something good, or something bad which you might throw up whenever you think of it. but it is part of us isn't it? learn to accept it, it is one of the best way to make yourself feel better. =D <3

Monday, April 18, 2011



hahaha, as u can see above. our class won! heheeh, though im just a minor character but still im so proud to be one of them, feel so glad i joined it.hahaha. but 4 of them won the sony ericsson xperia, i'm so jealous of them. but they deserve it.hahaha! mom, can i have the phone pls? hahaha, begging my mom to buy a new one for me. but what she did was : look away and pretend she's deaf xD hahaha. but i wish i could have one. xD hahaha. btw, my group won the explorace as well. hahaha, NO 1 xD hahaha, two good things happen in a row.err, i guess thats a good thing. but i hope bad things won't come afterward.hahaha. =( speaking of which, i got tons of thing to do. and the exam is just around the corner. which mean im gonna die on 9/5/2011.LOL, just kidding la. it's just that im not prepare for the test ya, all i wanna do is eat,play,sleep, and fart. =D hahaha =D muscle pain!! no warming up before the explorace, i should do it, point for regretting now xD

ok, gotta sleep now.bye peeps. stay tuned and have a nice day. btw, only 7 posts left before it reaches 400 posts xD ahhhahahahah =DDD

Saturday, April 16, 2011

muscle pain, OUCH.

OUCH, i just had my ujian segak, guess what, i only get 11 marks, which i am considered as 'kurang cergas' LOL. whatever, it's already in my expectation. == hahaha!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Friday, April 1, 2011

Craziness ;D

hi, peeps, here i am. Ok, school life was a mess for sure, homework not yet finish, dozing in the class, keep gossiping when teachers are not around. THIS IS TOTALLY A DISASTER, A CALAMITY. So, i think i am gonna change my attitude the day after tomorrow, but before that, let me play a crazy homeless girl. =D hahaha. ok, recently, i am so crazy about some particular stuff, movies, and dramas. You know what, when you are crazy about something, you will even forget whether you have eaten or not, or maybe you forget to pee and instead of rushing to toilet, you'll just pee in the pants, HEHEH. ok, i know i am dirty, but dirty jokes are my favourite, call me a rude girl or anything, i don't really care, that's who i am. I won't change myself because you don't like me. so i'm gonna share about the things i am crazy about. here it is, enjoy ;D

Musical Dramas _ GLEE
So, i watched the season 2 already, it was just as great as i expected. Well, Ryan Murphy, so i wouldn't be so surprise. hahaha, and the season continues. but i only manage to watch until episode 5, ARGHH! i think i will continue to watch it AFTER SPM. STILL A LONG TIME TO GO, oops, no, maybe the day will arrive just in a blink of an eye, but before that, i guess i'll just wait patiently then. =( omg, i love all the cast, all of them are absolutely awesome. but i love SAM the most, though he has a rather huge mouth, but i still LOVE HIM, then Artie come second, hahah, i love Artie's vocal, he has a rather unique vocal compare to others, and when i hear his singing, i'll know it was him.hahah =D hahaha=D

hahaha, these are the listed songs which are my fav from this series. =D

1. Marry You
2. Forget you
3.Don't Stop Believing (appear in season 1)
4. Faithfully (these are the diva!!!!)
5. Defying Gravity (featuring Kurt and Rachel)
6.Beth (great great great )
7. Baby (hahah, sam did the cover,gee!)
8. California Girl
9. Listen
10. Telephone
11. Firework
12. Take a bow
13. True Colours
14. My life would suck without you
............ ( there's lot to list, so i'll just stop until here, hahaha, that is the top 14 in my chart xD calie la, i even make my own chart, shame on me, sot xD) hahahaha

Movie_ I Am Number Four

This guy is like the hottest guy ever, EVER!!!!!!!! his name is Alex Pettyfer. Did you see it, his facial expression almost killed me when i first saw this picture, oh God, why is this guy so HOT. xDDD hahaha, he's the main character in i am number four, ok shame on me, i haven't watch this yet,! ok, maybe i'll buy the dvd and watch it at home instead. =D and i can see his face whenever i want,hiak hiak hiak =D and Quinn in glee also one of the cast in this drama, great, they'll make a fine couple hahahahahahah!


ok, i think i'll stop here. enough of my craziness, hahah, i'm scare you'll be infected later.hahaha. bye peeps, hahaha, btw HAPPY APRIL FOOL'S DAY!~ people played prank on me today, and i wasn't able to take revenge on them, i mean I AM NOT GOOD AT SAYING LIES. hahah, maybe next year then, I WILL TAKE MY REVENGE HAHAHAHAHHAHA !

Saturday, March 26, 2011

here i am. Thank God, everything went smoothly. And thank you for all the crews, thanks for helping and your efforts.

so i woke up early as usual, hoping that the earth will rotate faster and today will end faster. For me, today was a disaster, totally a calamity for me. At first, the atmosphere turn out to be so intense as there are a few problem occur. So, everybody was like : "what's happening now, why is everybody so serious." but after a few discussion, everything went smoothly as we planned. and i was glad that everybody enjoy the game =D that make me feels much more better.

So, erm, Me and Daphne talked about the head news today. That sent a shiver down my spine.i had goosebumps whenever we talk about it. however, may she rest in peace.

and the offender, i hope you die a terrible death. if you want to have sex so badly, why don't you just offer the prostitute some money? gosh, there's no word to describe how disgusted you are. ish!

I hope the girl's family will be alright. =( how i wish i could send my condolence to the family. =(

Thursday, March 24, 2011

heart vacancy

Daphne! it's all your fault! if you didn't ask me to listen to this song, i wouldn't be so in love with the wanted. ggggrrrr. but thanks for making me falling in love them crazily =DDDD hehehehehe
err,so the school just started. and everything is so suck, seriously. We just got the papers back, even the teachers couldn't conceal their disappointment towards us. Perhaps, we just have to work our ass off. And even the most lenient teacher, whose name i couldn't mention due to several reasons, could hold her anger. GGGrrrr..TRAUMA =((((

ok, so just to make it simple, this week is such a hectic week. so, i have to off now. lots of things to do.. TT

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Avril Lavigne, you're such a genius for composing the song what the hell, i'll respect you to the end of the world. hehehe.
since when you thought yourself are being well liked?
haha, ridiculous. =DDD

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Thank you. 谢谢

可是 还是谢谢你们给了我惊喜
所以 那时的反应是——有一点不知所措
因为从小到大 我从来没有遇过这种状况
现在,我可以不用羡慕人家了 =)
我话不多,也很不会说话,要说好朋友的话,来来去去只有你们。所以真的很谢谢你们,肉麻的话就免了,因为我们之中有一个是肉麻担当人 =)哈哈哈 还有就是你们,虽然不同班但还是愿意腾出时间来 真的是很谢谢你们!=) 这算是我展开17岁人生之前收到最棒的礼物 我是个很会幻想的人 曾经很喜欢说:我要这样,我要那样 但今天我不用幻想,我是实实在在的过了一个充实又快乐的一天 =D


这首诗歌送给你们,虽然不是我写的 xD

摘自龙井的《感谢》 (我只拿部分的,哈哈哈)


2nd day of holidays

i'm going out later.
but before that, let me update my blog first.
there's no many things i want to say.
to Daphne and Mavis,
good luck for the law course (for driving). too bad you guys can't go today.i'll miss you. <3 you. ^^

people starts to complaining about the slow connection through facebook.
well, i'm not quite concern about it, i mean i can tolerate with this connection speed. i'm not gonna die. =)
but what concerns me the most, is the tragedies happen in Japan. People tend to create group like 'pray for Japan' 'support Japan' and so on. i attended. seeing what's going on in Japan through the website, and seeing the aftermath of the earthquake and tsunami, my heart hurts so much.

Just how many lives were sacrificed in this tragedies
Just how many people lost their families in this brutal disaster

listening to Justin Bieber's Pray. this song has always been my favourite among the justin bieber's collection, though i'm not a big fan of him. i want to dedicate this song to Japan. Be strong, though i know saying this words were helping nothing. ='(

rumors like doomsday are spreading like wildfire on the net. question like "does the disasters indicate doomsday is near?" well, i don't really care about it. it's not like i'm scare of dying. yes, i'm scare, but if it's destined to come, then it will come. let's accept it. But, let's hope for a better tomorrow. like the lyrics of the song. "there's sunshine beyond that rain, there's good times beyond that rain." =)

Saturday, March 12, 2011

1st day of Holidays.

Hola, here i come.
have you read the papers? earthquake and Tsunami happened in Japan last night.
and now, there's heavy downpour outside.
was the sky crying for those who lost their lives in the tragedies. it's sad.
and knowing that i can do nothing about it, it's really sad.
maybe i'll just pray, for the people in Japan. wish things can be alright as soon as possible. <3

Friday, March 11, 2011


感动到 ~ 哈哈哈哈
考完试了也没有想象中的那么高兴,但是心情是平坦很多 起码不用为考试牺牲了我的娱乐时间 hiak hiak
然后叻,原本以为这次因为考试的关系 老师不会给假期功课
怎么知道该来的还是来了 TT 尤其是 英文、物理 拜托 只有一个星期的假期耶 需要给那么多吗?
哎,不过算了 能做多少就做多少吧 哈哈 不然开学就等着被bomb xD

Friday, February 25, 2011

was it me or what
i feel neglected when i'm around you guys.
the conversation become lesser as each day passes by.
hopefully things will turn out right.

Friday, February 18, 2011

i think it's the best for us to stay in this position.
in fact, i'm exceedingly satisfied with that. =D

Sunday, February 13, 2011


recently, i'm addicted to a drama called THE BIG C.
it's like the nicest drama i've ever watched.

it's about Cathy Jamison, and mom and a wife to her kid and husband. at her age, she's supposed to shine brightly and lead a happy life, until she was diagnosed with cancer.
she has a son, whose name is Adam. this story sounds sad, but actually it kinda light up my life. not only it inspired me physically and mentally, it taught me i should at least be thankful for i'm standing here and being alive. ;)

what i love is that, when Cathy soon discovered she's gonna die, she tries to do all the crazy things, like putting lobster in the pool, and she even watches porn with his son, Adam when Adam is caught red handed watching pornography. she's crazy for sure, but i like the craziness though, this is what makes the drama funny and humorous. =D if i can be as crazy as her, and i think i'll have no regret even if my days are numbered. Cathy's behaviour is the thing that inspired me, though it was just a drama. but i get countless lesson from this drama. one of the reason my i'm loving it.

life can be short, if you don't know how to cherish it.
life can last eternally, if you know how to cherish every moment of your life.

Saturday, February 12, 2011


everyday seems to be a tough day for me.
i don't know why, i just felt this way.
i know i shouldn't let my spirit down, but sometime i couldn't help to feel this way.
i wish i could tell how much i hate when i dislike something,
i wish i could yell when someone annoyed me,
i wish i could glare at someone when they make me on fire,
i wish i could be a little bit honest.
this is really frustrating.
getting stuck between this and that, really sucks.
my heart is like a little glass box, but when i keep too much agony inside, this little glass box couldn't withstand for such a long time, and at last it will break into thousand pieces.
physically, i always put on a bright smile; mentally, i'm suffering.
and knowing that i have to deal with it myself, is really depressing.
i know i can share it with the people around me, but you know, sometimes, it's better for you to keep thing to yourself.

_No Words could describe my feelings now_


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

the itchiness is killing me slowly.

i got red spots all over my body =(
i don't know why, but my body has been like this since i ate shrimps on few days ago.
i thought it might be allergic or something, because i've been through the same situation few years ago. wth.
i couldn't stop myself from scratching it, coz it's so itchy. but my mom will stare at me whenever i try to do so. =((

Monday, January 31, 2011


i'll be away for few days, so probably i won't be able to update my blog.
sorry readers. ;D
haha, by the way, holidays has just started few days ago but for me,holidays start on today.
and i don't get to enjoy chinese new year as tons of homework is given.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

i'm sick of you

this is so unfair!
don't test my patience, my patience is the biggest weakness, because i can't really hold my temper when i'm angry.
yes, you may be right. but can't you choose not to talk like this?
like everybody offended you.
i had enough of this. ==
you know what, we can be a really good friend if you know how to socialize with people.
i don't know what causes you to be like this, but i really hate the way you talk to me, talk to my friends
it's really too over and you've crossed the line.
think before you talk, that's all i want to say. @.@

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Don't laugh ;D

do you believe in karma? well, i believe. and here's the story. a boy,whose name i can't mention due to several reasons. he slipped and almost fell down in front of me. i laughed at him, because i couldn't help myself from doing so. and today, i almost fell down at the same spot. LOL. but luckily no one was paying attention and im glad that no one has seen me with the almost-fall-down pose. xD or maybe somebody saw it, it was me who didn't notice it. LOL hahaha, this is like the second time ady, lolx, maybe karma does exist. well,i believe in it. by the way, i work my ass off for the homework,and finally got the chance to take a break and online for a while. =D ok gtg now. by peeps.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

frogs? No, thanks. =)

so erm, i went to school today.
i climbed the staircases and walked into the class as usual.
i put my bag down and found one of my friend was waving frantically at me,she smirked.
i could feel something's wrong in the class.
until she showed me the huge,wet,sticky, greenish thing inside a plastic aquarium.
i almost scream at the top of my lungs , but i didn't do that.because everything was in control as long as the thing stayed inside the aquarium.
but i really hate it when the thing stared at me. i feel disgusted,and scared.
then somebody try to make fun of me with my frog-phobia.
ok, i admit i almost cried when she did that.i feel like i want to punch her right away.
you think it's funny?well, i'll tell you it's not funny at all. ==
but since you just came to our school,i'll forgive you despite what you've done to me. but no more next time.i said it, i meant it.
the frogs were brought by the students from next class.
coz they will perform a dissect to learn the respiratory system of the amphibians.
i wish i could dissect the frogs too, i mean i'm not afraid of it when it doesn't jump anymore, though i might get disgusted.
LOL.ok.the post will end to do my addmaths. =))

Monday, January 17, 2011

Don't judge the book its cover.

people used to tell me,
"once failure, forever a failure."
is it true? nobody knows.
but now i know the answer.
seeing you, reminds me of the past.
but now, i'm proud that you're getting better.
in the past,i didn't get the chance to talk to you
and i didn't really know you very well.
you didn't leave a strong impressions in my head like the other boys did.
because that time,for me you're just a stranger who sat in the corner of the classroom, though we're in the same class and i thought that you're merely a lazy worm who always got scold by teacher. i never like you, even as a friend.
but time has proven that i'm so x 10000000000000 wrong.
i don't know whether you've changed or not, but i can feel that you're so much better than before. and now, for me you are so much better than the boys who used to be my classmates. At least, you still remember me as part of the class after so many years had gone by. i was so surprised by then. there's a huge "THANK YOU" i owe you. THANK YOU SO MUCH for remembering me as your friend.this post is dedicated for you. and SORRY for thinking you that way, i'm so immature that time,it makes my eyes teary after i think of something in the past.and now i've learned my lesson. DON'T EVER JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER,YOU'LL REGRET FOR DOING SO SOMEDAY.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


oh gosh
i wish i could sleep longer.
but i can't, i just woke up on my own, around 6.30++ in the morning.
finally the rain has stopped. Thank God.
it's kinda eerie though. @.@'''
tomorrow's a school day.
like my friend said: one week already feels like one month.
though chinese new year is just around the corner, but i don't really have the mood to celebrate.
i don't know why, but i just felt this way.
but still, i'll try my best to get comfort with it.
oh yes, i just did a little research on the web and i found this beautiful picture.
well, maybe for you it just an ordinary picture, but for me i really like the wording, that was the reason why this picture caught my attention.and the first time i saw this picture, some indescribable feelings just run through my whole body. =)
by the way, i wanna thanks for those who always stand by my side when i need them the most. thank you so much for everything.

you might be my family,
you might be my friends,
you might be my enemy,
you might be my frenemy.
i don't care who you are,
thanks for lighting up my dull life. :)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

A weary Day. and It's Raining

Saturday was supposed to be the most wonderful day in the world
but today sucks.
i don't know why, but everything bad happened to me.
and yet, i have to pretend that i'm's kinda tired for facing all these on my own. but probably i'll just ignored it.
So, today's a gloomy day, no sun, no heat. =) GREAT. =)
but i'm worried that there will be a horrendous flood at the shallow area. that will be a disaster. =(

so my friends and i went to Red Crescent HQ today.
i don't really feel like i want to talk about it. because erm, nothing's special. =(
somebody please get me out of this, it sucks. everything sucks.
my eyes are heavy. i wanna sleep
but there's tons of homework waiting for me.
so i can't sleep yet.
tomorrow start tuition.
3 hours of physics, oh great i'm gonna die.
bye, peeps.
gonna help my mom do the chores.

p/s: butt out of our affair, there's no place for you anymore. =)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Sorry. Friend


is a word i ought to say

especially to you.

sorry for hurting you

sorry for making fun of you

sorry for turning me head away like a coward

sorry for acting like a stranger in front of you,when you are suppose to do this to me

sorry for avoid looking at you

sorry for everything i've done you.

i ought to say sorry, i owe you an apology.


too much to think


i need to take a break

Sunday, January 9, 2011

holla ;)

9th of January, which means HAPPY BIRTHDAY FERGIE!
hehe have a truly blessed birthday ;D all the best heheheeh!

last night

aloha, here i am! it's 8.13 in the morning!
it's early isn't it?
but my neighbour doesn't think the same way i do. =.=
she's screaming at the top of her lungs at her grandchild.
i wish i could tell her that right away, but what can i do? we are obligated to respect the elders, and plus i don't wanna make my mom in a awkward situation.
well i guess i'm just unlucky for having this unthoughtful neighbour.
last night, an ordinary night.
as usual, tons of homework are given. ESPECIALLY THE HISTORY.
but it did help me to memorize all the important fact and yeah for it =D
oh ya, i watched THE REAL HOUSEWIVES OF NEW JERSEY last night. and i was like on fire.
as usual, DANIELLE was a full-time attention seeker and plus an evil old witch.
she brought the ex cons along with the annoying kim g to a fund raising feast which was held at the brownstone. and these bastard were pissed when they found out there were no seats for them, though there was a guy accommodated them to their seats, but they were not satisfied as the seats were at the corner of the room or somewhere people wouldn't notice them.== i felt sorry for Caroline and Dina though, Brownstone were their family business and their husband work there.i saw the sneak peak for next episode, where Dina confronted Danielle and said she was sick of everything about her. during the confrontation, Dina ask Danielle to shut up by saying "SHHH..." and Danielle was pissed, and she said : NEXT TIME YOU SHHH ME, YOU EXPECT ME TO SPEAK LOUDER! lol,poor Danielle, nobody cares about you. =D

ok this will do for today, off the watch we got married.
p/s: was it me or what, i hate this feelings. maybe doing homework will got rid of this hateful things.

Friday, January 7, 2011

366th post. PROUD =D

so finally it's the weekend
i've been waiting this for so long.
and i'm proud to say that this was the 366th post, teehee =DD
if only i put this effort in academic, then my mom would probably cry.LOL
i don't know why, the air is chilling. somehow i like it.
listening to 98 degree's i do cherish you.
it's kinda sarcastic though, i only knew this band by this year. i'm such an old-fashioned-freak.
school is as fun as usual, and i'm happy to say that i'm not that anti-school anymore,at least for now. i can't guarantee that i won't feel the same way after this. LOL.
and ermm. something really unexpected happened today.
LOL. and some of us were on hyper mode.
ok. my mom has been bugging me with the tuition thingy.
"do you think you'll need to tuition for additional math?"
"urmm.i'll think first."
"you should go to your teacher's house and fix your broken BM. you SUCK at BM though."
"mom,stop it. don't stuff all this things into my ears at once."
"what about physics?"
FUNNY.== she has done this to me for many times already.
all i did is just ignored her.
but honestly, i'm kinda scare.
all of my friends, including the not-so-close friends already started their tuition plan.
i just don't know how to express this feelings, it's so conflicted.
it feels like you're falling behind,when everyone is paying effort to strike for the best.
if i decide to study on my own, the outcome might not be as good as when there's someone tutoring you.
and plus i don't want to burden my mom with the tuition fees and transportation n bla bla bla.
my annoying little sis studies at private school so the fees are quite a burden plus my mom has to fetch her. so i wonder, is it a right time to tuition. there's some tuition centers nearby but i don't feel like going. urgh, i know what you going to say ----- lots of excuses. ==
we've been informed that we are going to sit for 3 exams throughout the year, which are TRIAL SPM 1, TRIAL SPM 2,TRIAL SPM 3 respectively. which was quite a good thing. but it would be better if there's no exams throughout the year. wakakakaka.
ok i think i'll have to work my ass off to guarantee that i'm safe. =((
ok gtg now..bye..

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


ok, though today is the third day of school.
but still i can't accept the fact that this year is our senior year!
omg,it's like everything is being fast forward.
don't you think it's too fast? and 5 years just passed like that?
oh God, you must be punishing me. i'm not ready for this yet, neither physically nor mentally.
but school time was fun !~ at least it's much more better than being a full time couch potato. speaking of which, my butt is getting bigger by each day. hahaha.
and we had our assembly today, but not a formal one, because the principle wasn't there at the assembly, and don't ask me why she wasn't there. coz I DON'T KNOW. =D
and urm, like always, we've been whispering through each others' ear during the assembly haha
and standing next to our class, was 4F and there's a new face in that class, the particular student happens to be a REALLY TALL GUY. taller than the rest of the guy in our school, even taller than our disciplinary teacher. LOL. i guess even the teacher have to look up at his face when they're talking to him, he's just too high. so i will never ever stood next to him, because that make me look completely like a dwarf.
haha, one thing best about school, is that we get to see friends ! and being able to see beside Corina and Christyan is the best thing ever. xD lol, dirty jokes for the whole school day is merely a piece of cake for us.HAHAHAHHA! we should call ourselves an expert of dirty jokes already. =DDDD and i taught Christyan a funny chinese word. and i think he's madly in love with this word, because every time i talk chinese with my friends, he keep saying those words, which made us burst into laughter. the teachers are still the same, except for moral and physics. by the way, who's going to teach us Chemistry, no teacher enter the class so far. though i hate it, but still i don't want our class fall behind in this subject just because no teacher enter our class.
tons of homework has been 'offered' by most of the teachers, their reasons are almost the same : spm year, you must have your resolve. ok, done. and we've spend our time talking about which college or university we want to enter, when there's no teacher in the class. it's fun though. i mean we don't have much time left anymore, all we can do is cherish the time we are given. even just for a single second. and speaking of which, i don't think i can carry the burden of hating you.i mean i'm a grown up, so i should be mentally i want to set myself free. i don't wanna lock myself in this small prison and bother me with this matter. but it's not like i forgive you, i just decided forget everything you have done to me, decided to ignore the scar you gave me. it's just like this. in fact, i don't think i can forgive you. so if i can't forgive you, i'll just forget you. that's it. =)
if you are expecting me to carry this burden for the rest of my life, urgh.i'll pass.
ok that's all. bye. have to finish my homework first. bye. stay tuned.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

i know i'm late.
but still today it's the 1st day of 2011 =D hahaha
so i had fun with my friends last night, and everything would be perfect if YUKY YEE can go. things aren't perfect if one of us is missing. but glad that she had fun with her friends and family too =))
hahaha. speaking of which, never thought the dinner would be so expensive! luckily we brought extra money,or else we would end up by washing dishes there hahahaha
then we planned to go PARKSON to countdown, but parking lot was full dy. =.=
well, something we expect. hahaha.
so we went to Merdeka mall. but hell, i feel like i want to go out of that place. nothing fascinates, except the da qiang. LOL. then after went through lots of discussion, we decided to spend the last 1++ hours at the City Fan. hahaha..we discussed a lot of things with others, and we listened to the untold stories by others!~ LOL
and when 12.00am finally arrived, you could see the fireworks display =D great great great. hahhaa..and my hands were busy typing all those msg to my friends. and thanks for all the wishes. everything's splendid and fabulous.=D